
Category: Estate Planning

What Is Probate?
What Is Probate?
24 Jan 2023
At one point or another, many of us will face the difficult process of dealing with an estate left behind by a loved one. Navigating probate proceedings can be a lengthy, complicated and ultimately taxing […]
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Estate Document Basics
Estate Document Basics
12 Jan 2023
Estate planning can be a difficult process to navigate both conceptually and emotionally. Unfortunately, it often takes experiencing a death in the family to recognize the importance of having a proper estate plan. Having an […]
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Leaving a Legacy
Leaving a Legacy
20 May 2022
So far this year, our 2022 theme of Planning with Purpose, has covered topics like how to get your financial life organized and why it’s important that you think about the impact of taxes year […]
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Legacy Planning vs. Estate Planning
Legacy Planning vs. Estate Planning
8 Nov 2021
Legacy planning and estate planning are two of the most frequently heard terms in conversations about comprehensive financial planning. However, the general public often confuses the two with each other. Upon first glance, legacy planning […]
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