Audra Garrett
BACK TO TEAMClient Relations
Audra Garrett is the Client Relations and Team Engagement Coordinator. She oversees client events and helps to foster a positive team culture. Audra has always enjoyed planning fun and unique parties for her family, so she has taken her passion from a hobby to our office. Audra enjoys serving others and creating memorable moments for others.
Audra is a graduate of Texas Tech University where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. After graduation, Audra and Brandon started a family and she became a stay-at-home Mom for several years. She is excited to be working alongside her husband, father-in-law, and mother in the family business.
When Audra Garrett is not in the office, her biggest joy is spending time with her family on their farm. She and Brandon have 4 kids. Their 2 sons keep them busy with school, sports, and various extra-curricular activities. They also have toddler twin daughters who keep them on their toes and provide lots of opportunities to share funny stories with others. Being a family of 6 often feels like they are living out a sitcom.
Audra also enjoys serving in the community. She has recently joined the Women’s Ministry team at their church where she uses her same skills for event coordinating to plan women’s events. She also serves as a board member for the Children’s Advocacy Center Parker County. Audra has a passion to serve others and use her skills to bless those around her.
“At BentOak Capital, I am genuinely passionate about the collaborative environment and the opportunity to work with a dynamic and diverse team. I appreciate the supportive and innovative culture that encourages teamwork and allows everyone to contribute their unique strengths.”

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